May 25, 2011

Oreo Man

I have no idea what possessed me to buy "Milk's favorite cookie" yesterday while grocery shopping.

Could be because I was famished...
Could be because I hadn't had my Chocolate fix for the day...
Or, it could be because I just wanted to surprise my kids with a special treat that they don't get very often.

Whatever the reason,  I am really not happy about it, because I ate about half the bag (in one sitting, by myself). My swimsuit is really not showing me the love right now.

Anyhoo, this guy on the other hand, was slightly thrilled.  His first Oreo experience.

I'd say he thoroughly {very much so} enjoyed it.  Oh, and if you are saying to yourself "I can't believe she gave her 15 month old an Oreo"...well, I am the favorite parent in the house now {Boo-ya}.  Have a great Wednesday!!!

P.S.  Giveaway will be announced tomorrow!! XoX


Unknown said...

YUM! Love Oreos although I haven't had one in a while. I am just like you...I would have eaten the whole bag though :) Happy Wednesday!

meme-and-he said...

ha! Looks like that first oreo experience went quite well! I kinda wish us grownups still looked like this when we love something that much :)

design elements said...

adorable! i have 2 boys..both under age of 3. hugs

Brooklyn said...

Love it! Oreos and milk are requested every single night by Kyler in our home. MMMM They really are a classic. And Ryder, you are SOOOOO delish! Have a good day sis!

Chaille Photography said...

I love these pictures. He is such a cutie.. and a bad mom for giving these o no that means im in big trouble lol... love and miss u and we r a big oreo fan here too

Alexa said...

Oh isn't that adorable. P.S. the oreos look amazing right now! ha.

Emily said...

Gotta love how truthful swimsuits are... Ugh. You're not alone on that one!
The little guy looks so happy. How sweet. :)

Jessie said...

Your little one is so adorable. Love these pictures!


Kelly said...

We LOVE oreos here too! So yummy!

Anonymous said...

Yummy!! What great pictures!

Sophie said...

hahah i love this! thats exactly how i look after eating about 15 oreos haha. i am addicted!
looking forward to the giveaway :) x

Julie Chesley said...

I am saying I can't believe your 15 month old has never had an oreo - heck when my kids can gum they can have a double stuff :) love the mess

Andrea Reh said...

Visit Smitten Kitchen, she has a RECIPE for Oreos!

Just discovered your blog. Would love it if you popped by mine sometime.

Andrea x

Unknown said...

so, so cute!!! your little boy is adorable :) {& yes...oreos are quite dangerous! if having a craving i get the newman's own brand...they are all natural & so delicious, but too dangerous!!!} thanks for all of your love i think that your blog rocks, too! :) xoxoxo brynn

Anonymous said...

Oh Brittany, what a sweet photo. Don't feel badly for giving him Oreos. Kids will get their hands on sugar one way or another (eventually).

He's got so many little teeth! J is 14 months and only has 6 teeth. Makes a difference what all they can chomp into when they have more teeth.

Whim Wham Life said...

I always fall into the Oreo trap about once a year. It never fails. Thankfully, only about once a year...I don't think my body could handle eating about 15 cookies in one day, too many times:-) xoxo

Anna White said...

Hi Brittany..stumbled across your blog through the Bohemian Chic ; )
Fantastic little guy has all of a sudden had this thing for chocolate ...I knew it would happen..but he has yet to try an Oreo...but what I am now hearing alot is... Mummy Chocwat...Mummy
They are so adorable at this age..enjoy . Anna x

Young People in Love said...

He. Is. Darling.

End of story. ;)

Bad Joan said...
