September 26, 2011


I have been so obsessed with well pieced together, eclectic rooms lately.  I seriously can't enough and I totally want to add some killer, fun, eclectic pieces to my home.   Oh, and can we just talk a minute about a great, eclectic gallery wall?!  One day I will have a whole wall outfitted in awesome artwork that is so mis-matched, but makes you go "wow" at the same time.  Yum.

I think eclectic spaces look well lived in, yet totally cool at the same time.  Like they aren't trying to hard...and I like that.  Rock on eclectic rooms! Happy Monday dolls. XoX

All images via


Gentri said...

I couldnt agree more! I am loving eclectic rooms and am just itching to redecorate!

Anonymous said...

Love these rooms. It always makes it look, and feel more "lived" in. Especially love the photo of the bedroom with the two wire chairs, and the random frames as a headboard. Sending a big hug, and gorgeous weather from the Midwest.

e@thisnotedlife said...

love these rooms! dont you just wish you had endless amounts of money to do whatever you wanted??

Fabrizia Spinelli said...

I totally agree with you!I love this electic style!
Come and visit my blog, and if you like it, follow me, I'll be waiting for you!

Cosa mi metto???

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

agreed on all accounts, hello peacock in the first pic! i need you in my home.

Sarah Frills4Thrills said...

Ian and I absolutely LOVE eclectic living spaces. We used to be into modern minimalist but it never felt cozy enough so we started adding pieces from family and thrift stores... Turned out perfect!

fashionwise said...

how cool is that bird on the fridge in the first pic ! funny !
have you seen my new post ?

Alexa said...

Ooh I love that blue bedroom. Lovely.

Laura said...

Can Pinterest design my new house?