January 15, 2011

It's the Little Things

It truly is the little things that can make the biggest impact.  A simple smile to someone waiting in line next to you at the bakery, a note to a friend, recycling, saying "I love you" one time more, taking a 5 min shower...you get the idea.  It is a saying that can be used in all aspects of life {and} in decorating!  My Master bedroom needed a few little updates and wow did it make a difference.  Keep in mind, when I say little I mean (all items were $29.99 and under).  Boom!  My bedroom is all White and Black with accents of Robin's Egg Blue (my favorite color known to mankind).
** Design note: it is ok to have a couple accents colors if you use them correctly.  I love the idea of a clean white background and accents of yellow and navy, or pink and Turquoise.  I specifically chose just the Robin's Egg Blue alone as my accent color in my bedroom because I wanted it very tranquil (I won't even allow a TV in there).  You just need to blend the colors correctly and uniformly (a few pillows with both colors, etc.)  Just don't go overboard on accents.  There is something so fresh about a house that is not stuffed up with a million different  accessories and thing-a-ma-jigs.
** Another rule of thumb: if you are going to have a couple accent colors, then I always like to have just White Flowers and White Candles.  It keeps the base simple, chic, and clean.

P.S. If Tiffany Blue, Robin's Egg Blue, Teal (etc) are in your favorite color picks, then I highly suggest you check out House of Turquoise for some mega inspiration and eye candy.
P.P.S. If you already don't know my love for Interior Design, then I will shout it out loud now: I LOVE INTERIOR DESIGN!!!!  HGTV (along with Food Network) is my favorite.  Sometimes I turn it on just to listen to it in the background.  It makes me happy and excited (is that weird?).  I took 3 semesters of Interior Design and learned a lot, but I would love to go back again and learn more!!!  That is for another time though, first I need to complete my masters in English and my Cookbook.  Ha, I know, I know, I like to dream big.  I need like 9 lives for all the stuff I want to do.

Anyway, back to my little updates...Enjoy!  Happy Decorating.
My awesome iron accordion table.  I love this little guy.

I got this Glass Lamp base for $29!  It is the perfect light while I am reading in bed.
I got this beaded pendant for the other bedside table instead of another lamp.  I like the variation and random feel of it. (p.s. I spray painted the orbs the same blue as the easel and the frame on the other bedside table so it was all uniform).

Love this mirrored tray I found.  The light from the lamp shimmers off the tray. (This is actually not in my bedroom, but it was a great little update for the end table that I got last week.


  1. I love it! I have the same colors in our office/adults only tv room. Beautiful!

  2. I love that you have an adult only tv room! Awesome :)

  3. Brittney! Cute blog.. I found it through Chelsea's. I Love your cute style.. And I have benn wanting to do Black and white stripes in my Master for a LONG time.. With a Turquoise color wall.. I Love it. And please tell your cute sister Congrats on her Engagment. My mom got her invite and showed me there pic. He looks like a great guy. I am so happy for her and her boys. :)

  4. Kelly, Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog!!! I will tell her, Justin is such a great guy and we are all so happy for her and the boys :) Oh, and for sure do those stripes...I love that idea!!!! Xo
