February 4, 2011

Two little Monkeys

Well, it is the weekend of my Twin Sister's wedding and I am soooo excited!!  I can't wait to post all the little details and some advice and tidbits for party {wedding} planning.  Amidst the chaotic past week of Bentley having Bronchitis and Ryder having a double Ear Infection, I have some how managed to research for my design inspiration for their shared bedroom.  I have only had time because I decided to wear sweats and not even brush my hair for a week while I was home with my sick babies.  Yes, I did shower (the only thing I did) besides wiping noses, blowing noses, playing nurse, giving out meds, making insane amounts of soup, and giving handfuls of cuddles and kisses to my two little monkeys. So next weekend we are making the move to put the two boys in one giant room together.  Bentley is so happy, Ryder has no idea what is going on, and I am both anxious and excited.  So here is my design board for the inspiration for the upcoming room, and stay tuned for the big reveal!
The Two cutest Little Monkeys you ever did see!!!!


  1. You need to go into interior designing and be a personal shopper! You have such a talent. That is seriously one adorable design board. Can't wait to see the finish product :)

  2. Cute! I have seen those "stash" pillowcases before on a blog. Were did you find those @??

  3. Kelly, they are from Urban Outfitters :)

  4. They are to die for.. So cute. Cant wait to see there finished room. And im so glad you got my invite to my blog. I have been great. Just busy being a mom.. :) I wouldnt have any other way. And You are so cute and your boys are darling! It is so fun to catch up with you.

  5. I didn't even put two-and-two together until today that it was YOU! LOL. I was just thinking about you the other week when I was looking at your brother's pics on FB. I am so glad you found me and glad you are doing well!!!
