April 11, 2011

Pleasure Eating

I ate.  I enjoyed. I loved every minute of it.
I haven't done any "food lover" posts in awhile.  I think this is partially because I haven't been cooking as much as I normally do, and partially because I haven't really been inspired as of late (in a food sense)...until yesterday that is.  Yesterday I did a photo shoot for my Best Friend and her Fiance for their wedding announcements.  We were shooting next to Oregano's so decided to grab some dinner afterward.  I am glad we did.  I love Oregano's, I love Pizza, and then there is their famous Pizzokie.  Have you had one?  If not, you need to...it will change your life (well maybe not, but it's darn good).  I ate more than I should have, but as much as I wanted, and it was such a pleasure.  Thank you Oregano's for inspiring me to bake a little more, a little more often.  Mmm hmm.

If you live next to an Oregano's, please go and indulge. Give in to the temptation that is the best Pizza Cookie on the planet.  If you don't live by an Oregano's, then your in luck because I have a recipe for them.  I love making these in mini skillets for dinner guests and my loved ones. It scores big points, which means I usually like to make this for a special treat the same day I do something to annoy the hubs (he becomes instantly less peeved).  Just an FYI to lock away for the future, your welcome.

Pizzokie Recipe:

You will need:
* Dough from your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe.  My favorite is here.
* A round baking pie dish, or the mini skillets for pizzokies (find on Amazon.com)
* Vanilla Ice Cream

What to do:
Make the dough from your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe.  Place the dough in either a giant round baking pie dish, or the mini skillets.  Bake at the temperature that the Chocolate chip cookie recipe requests, but only bake it for half the time.  This is so the cookie comes out still doughy in the middle and gooey.  Wait like a minute, and then put a scoop (or two) of Vanilla Ice Cream on top of the warm cookie. Sprinkle with some Chocolate Chips as garnish if desired.  Enjoy and eat your heart out (Pleasure eating, if you will).
Oregano's Pizzokie

Now on to more inspiration to EAT! Who doesn't love a pretty dish to nosh upon....these make me swoon.  Enjoy!










Crate & Barrel

Crate & Barrel

Pier 1


  1. Love me some oreganos too! MMM HMM! Thanks for the recipe also, I'll be making this on Sunday for the boys in my life. And can I take a moment to sigh over the dinnerware.... Honestly the cutest ever!

  2. Brit this was the best post!!!! Inam very open about my favorite dessert on earth being prevails pazookie. The yummiest thing onnearth. So I am a sucker FTP make my ownnhomemade cookies ...however let me suggest that when making homemade pazookies we have found that the Otis spunkmeyer dokie dough chunks absolutely are the best. They sell them at Costco now. Also....police my altho bowls. Have them in every color :). Love your talent and creative happy self! Xoxo

  3. Thanks Both Brooke's! Ok, I am sooo going to Costco to get that. MMMMMM!!!!!!!! XOXO. P.S. My dentist and I were talking about you on Friday ....the best things of course, because you are such a sweetheart :) XO

  4. Thanks for the recipe. I love every single dish on this post! Thanks for sharing. I miss your beautiful face.

  5. Ah! I love the dishes with the Victorian ladies on it. So dainty and perfect for a snooty tea party with friends. Good picks!

  6. Post some of the pics from the shoot!

    P.S. I am bookmarking this recipe for the next time I have guest over. Looks easy and delicious! And I made note of Brook #2's suggestion. ;) Oh, and I love those aqua anthro bowls. We registered for aqua/turquoise bowls, and we have loved them ever since. I do prefer to have food in bowls/plates I love.

  7. that pizookie looks amazing!
    i will have to make that w/ my husband tonight:)
    your blog is super cute!
