April 21, 2011


Just some random thoughts, insights, and happenings from today...

Captain Crazy turned four today!  I can't believe he is four. Where does the time go?  I feel like he was just learning to walk and now he is a witty, smart, delicious, crazy, adorable, hilarious, and charming big {little} four year old!  I did shed a tear (or two or ten), but then stopped and remembered "he is only four, I have time".  At least I hope I have time, I mean I guess you really have to live each day to the fullest and like it's the last.  Love deeply, love unconditionally, and enjoy the journey. Thoughts I need to remind my self of daily.  Hmmm...maybe I need to paint those words on a canvas and hang it where I see it everyday.  That would be nice.  Anyway, sorry for the ramblings.  Thanks for still reading {if you are}.

So like I said, Captain Crazy turned four which means my day consisted of building millions of Lego's, making cupcakes for his school party, picking up a cake for his birthday party, eating lunch at Chick-fil-A (his favorite), who am I kidding (one of my favorite), I love their Chicken nuggets with a large diet coke.  Balloons all over the house, a large pendant banner hitting me in the head, and of course his birthday party, which was at "Bounce U", which means there was a whole lot of hyped-up kids and bouncing galore.  So let's reflect back: my daily intake of food today consisted of a cupcake, birthday cake (3 slices), pizza, Chick-Fil-A, an energy drink, and a diet coke.  Ummm, seriously?  I never eat like this.  Honestly (wink). So now I am left with;
*A) my stomach really aches (could be from all the bouncing at "Bounce U" and not the food).  That slide was fun.
*B) I probably won't be fitting into my skinnies tomorrow. Oh well, that cake was dang good.  So was the chick-fil-a.  I'm happy (and full).

Ok, thanks again for still reading {if you are}.  You rock.  Seriously, thanks for following me {if you are}. It's awesome and I appreciate it.

P.S. While Capt. Crazy was at school this morning I did steal a few minutes to myself (with Mr. Delicious of course,) to run into Home Goods (heaven on Earth).  Don't you feel like angels start singing and the clouds shine when you open those doors?  I do.  I like it there.  It's a fun place. Anyway, I found a steal there today that I am so happy about.  Behold, my new Maclaren!

I like her, she is in a pretty Coffee brown and I got her for $180 vs. the retail of $320.  Boo-ya!!!!  We have been using a Sit-n-stand, but it just isn't my fav and Captain Crazy didn't prefer it.  She may not have tons of bells and whistles, but she has great reviews, great storage, great UV coverage, and she is light and small (perfect for on-the-go mom) which is me, everyday.  Perfect for what I was looking for.  I love Home Goods...have I said that already?

So I was thinking of adding these to the stroller: Bamboo Stroller liners in Cream.  I think the Cream would look nice against the Coffee brown and I love that you can just wash it in the Washing Machine when it gets dirty.  
Speaking of being "On-the-Go".  I feel like this week has been Spring Break or something.  The boys and I have been doing busy activities everyday.
Mon: The Zoo and Park day
Tues: Movies with Cousins and evening family Bike rides
Wed: Barnes and Noble Story Time and lunch with Daddy and Park day (again)
Thurs(today): Bentley's Bday party
Fri(tomorrow): Morning Bike ride, Decorating eggs, and Bakery stop (for Cupcakes of course)

So that is it for the day, this mom is tired...I need another slice of Cake.  I am going to get one (def not fitting into the skinnies tomorrow). Thanks for reading {if you are} and if not, that's ok too...I still love you.  


  1. Hey there,
    just been browsing through your blog and it's lovely!

  2. So sweet. Loved this entire post.
    Happy Birthday, Captain Crazy!

  3. score on the stroller...I have been looking for a double just like that..and I have to say that store is my all time favorite!! And I can't believe hs is already 4..the time goes by way to fast!!

  4. Lovely post I really enjoyed reading it! Your little boys birthday party sounds crazy fun an you gotta love party food, pizza and cupcakes [slightly jealous.]

    An bargain buy with your stroller!

    Abigail x

  5. Lovely post I really enjoyed reading it! Your little boys birthday party sounds crazy fun an you gotta love party food, pizza and cupcakes [slightly jealous.]

    An bargain buy with your stroller!

    Abigail x

  6. it was fun chatting with you @ barnes! your boys are the cutest ever, glad b's bday party was a hit!

  7. Happy Birthday to your Captain Crazy. I agree...time goes so incredibly fast. My oldest lost her first tooth today...I swear just yesterday she got her first tooth.

  8. I have a Maclaren double stroller too and love it! I got an Ah-MAzing deal on mine, $80!! I know, don't know how I pulled that off but I'm thrilled every time I use it. You are gonna lovey yours!
