May 3, 2011

Loving right now

I can't believe it is May already!  It is going to be fall again before we know it...time goes by sooo fast {too fast}.  With May brings all things Spring (which I love) and here are some other things I am loving at the moment in the blogsphere world.  Enjoy and Happy Tuesday.

I don't know if it is because I am a mom (aka homemaker), but I want {need} a sewing machine.  I asked for one for my birthday (which is next month).  My husband laughed and said "do you want a blender too?". It is sort of funny, but I want one.  I want to sew quilts for my kids, I want to make baby stuff, and I want the feeling of accomplishment when I make things for loved ones with my own two hands.  Dorky?  Maybe, but I will never forget the fact that my Grandma made my wedding dress with her two hands. She even sewed in a tag that said "made with love".  It was amazing, it was special, it was made with love.  I want to do that for people.

Ok, anyhoo.  The blog "Wren handmade" made me want to sew even more.  It is an awesome blog.  Laura is so crafty and has such a great eye for pretty things. She recently posted a tutorial to make soft baby blocks and it is my mission to make some for 3 friends that are having babies soon.  What a cute gift!  Maybe throw in some handmade burp cloths?  Love it!  Check out her blog and tutorial here.
image via
Another idea I am loving and so doing for Father's day (I think it would be a great project for the kids to help with) is the "Envelop Surprise" that Jordan Ferney posted on her blog.  If you don't read her blog, you need to.  It is fabulous, she and her little family live in Paris, and they are cool.  Find the tutorial and her blog here.
image via
Two words: Atlantic-Pacific.  You need to visit this lovely fashion blog.  She is a serious style maven and she rocks.  Her outfits are inspiring and fun.  Find her here.
I am obsessed with Coconut Water.  It is delicious.  It is good for you.  I could drink it all day. Go get some.

High Beam is my favorite (along with Poise tint)!  I hardly sleep (I have insomnia & a snoring husband) so this seriously helps brighten my tired face and skin.  

I LOVE Method.  It isn't new, but I have just recently switch to only using all their stuff.  I love it, it smells good, and it is good for Mother nature. 
The Wooden Wagon has such fabulous and different baby and toddler toys...I am a huge fan!  We are very big into playing games and puzzles in this house over just "toys", so I am always on the hunt for cool puzzles.   I am loving these ones from the Wooden Wagon right now.

images via

P.S. Don't forget to enter the giveaway (you have until midnight Friday). XoX


  1. I was just talking to my Mom about getting a sewing machine soon! I know nothing about them but totally want to make some things I have come accross lately. And I love that nail color! xo

  2. I've just heard of Method a couple weeks ago... I'm DEFINETLY going to try it out!

  3. Oh and I was going to say... :) .. I think that sewing machine is SO cute! I wish I loved to sew..or even liked it. But it stresses me out like nothing I've ever experienced before! While the hubs and I were dating I tied him a quilt for Christmas gift...never again. That's the last time I've even come clost to a sewing machine haha!

  4. Fab post!
    Completely understand why you want a sewing machine there is nothing better that creating something from scratch, love that story of your grandmother wedding dress!

    Also thanks for sharing new blogs I'll go and explore their sites.

    Abigail x

  5. What cute springy things, especially the wood toys and that sweet sewing machine. I awarded you the Versatile Blogger award, so check back tomorrow to see it!

  6. Love the wooden kid toys :) definitely going to check that site out

  7. I need to get some coconut water.
    That Jcrew kids striped nautical dress is ordered and on it's way. I'll have to send you a live picture of Tay in it ;)

  8. great post !

    Have you seen my latest post ?

  9. I love my method soaps and cleaners too. Also, that blog, atlantic-pacific is amazing!

  10. Brooke! I want to see the photo! Britt, you KNOW I can't live without my high beam. I put it on like a football player and dab dab dab... Ahhhh... Insta GLOW! I'm totally doing the envelope thing for Justin for Daddy Day.
    Oh! and I can't live without my eucalyptus mint household cleaner from method either!

  11. What an awesome picture of a sewing machine! You should definetly get one. I always find reasons to use it even it it's not for a full blown project.

    By the way, my boyfriend bought me an awesome blender for christmas two years ago and it was a great gift!


  12. such lovely links. i love atlantic-pacific, especially when the outfits aren't so high-end, because it makes me feel like i can have great style without working for a fashion magazine. also, so jealous that jordan lives in paris. oh to live in day.

  13. I have High Beam, too. But I rarely get to use it now because its soooo hot over here (will just end up looking like oil).

    About sewing, I've been thinking of that also and I want a sewing machine (the photo you poosted is so cute!). I hope your family buys you one ;)

    Definitely, Maybe

  14. I'm obsessed with Method products, they work so well! BTW, Benefit is releasing a new stain shade (Cha Cha) in June.
