May 6, 2011

Randomness {part} Deux

More random thoughts from my head and life this past week.  Read on if you dare.  If you stop now, I don't blame you...because remember I told you I am very spastic, so I apologize in advance if my thoughts seem...well, random (for lack of a better word).

* Ok, It's Friday!  Boo-ya.  If I were a day of the week, I would want to be Friday.  It's not called "Fun Friday" for nothing.  I would hate to be Monday. Monday gets a bad wrap.

* JDubs was gone this past week which means I only shaved my legs once all week, oh and Makeup? No way. Attractive, I know. Don't worry though, I made sure I was in Glamazon mode when he got home.

* I have a weird phobia of dust.  I dusted my house 4 times this week.  I am semi-neurotic.  Ok, maybe fully neurotic.  Dang, I need to stop dusting so much.

* I love lemons.  I wish I could eat a Paradise Bakery "Lemon Zester" cookie {or two} every day.  Those are so good.  I am hungry now.

* Speaking of being hungry.  I made these muffins twice this week...can't get enough.

* It's Friday.  I mentioned that already, sorry.  I really like Friday's and Saturday's even better.

* Yay for all the mama's out there that are awesome and never get a day of rest because they would rather spend all day with their babes then anything rock.  Happy Mommy Day to you.

* I can't wait for Summer, because that means the Beach.  The beach is heaven. I would be a beach bum and be perfectly content with it.

* Lately Mr. Delicious crawls into my lap, book in hand, to "tell" me he wants me to read to him.  It is my favorite.  He is so yummy.

* On Wednesday, in the car, Bentley said to me "mama you are my beautiful girl".  Melting.  I hope he always feels that way.  I love being a mom.  These two boys keep me going every single little angels on Earth.

* If this news doesn't make you in a good mood, then nothing will; Behold, Target + Missoni.  Hello!!!!  Missoni is teaming up with Target for a line debuting in the Fall at Target stores.  Heaven. Read about it here.
Image via vogue

* Thanks to "Making It Lovely" blog (such a great blog), I was introduced to this Video. I was crying...a lot. The circle of Life is amazing.  Life in general is a miraculous event.  Please cherish every moment.

* P.S. It's Friday and mommy's day weekend and May.  Lots to be happy about blogging friends.  Sending Happy thoughts and vibes your way.  Oh, and thanks for reading and you have until midnight for your giveaway entries.  Winner will be announced Monday.  XOX

*P.P.S.  I scored more finds at the ever so fab, Home Goods.  I'm thinking of even going there again today (sans kids) with my sis.  I love that place!
Exhibit 1: Found this mirror on clearance for $20. Bam.

Exhibit 2: Found these candle sticks for cheap.

Exhibit 3: Again, another mirror (are we noticing a theme here...I really like round mirrors).



  1. Yayy! i love fridays too. and yehh i would definitely want to be friday if i were a day of the week too. or saturday! haha.
    i love your blog! im following x

  2. Happy friday Sissy! I had lemon zesters twice this week... Love that mirror (getting one) and I LOVE fridays. Since Justin will be gone this next week I will not be shaving my legs or putting on makeup either... and ahhh the beach... Can't wait for July 1st when I can wiggle my toes in it with my babies. Happy mommies day weekend!

  3. Happy Mothers day to you too! My little one has that same striped onsie! :)

  4. Yay for weekends. Happy mother's day! Happy to have found your blog too, newest follower!

  5. I love HomeGoods and I have that same white round mirror above my entry table- you have great taste ;)

  6. I love all the randomness. You are my kind of girl. And I share your dust phobia. Happy Mothers Day to you.

  7. I’m gonna need to try that lemon zester....cute post :)

  8. fab post love the randomness and the pictures!
    muffins twice in 1 week, so jealous.

    Abigail x

  9. no make up and no shaving its what I do too :)

    I also love your round mirrors they are so cute.

    i'm your newest follower :)

  10. loving that first mirror you found, totally classic.
