June 20, 2011

I'm Back

I am home after a fabulous, relaxing, much needed vacation!  I was sad (as always) to get back to "the real word", but it is always nice being home in my own bed.

I feel so out of the loop with the big world of blogging since I have been MIA the past week...I have missed reading all your wonderful blogs and I promise my lack of posts will be no more!  I am catching up tonight and will be a posting fool all week.  I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!! XoX

My Monday Mood: I want to hide from reality because after vacation, reality really does bites...hard. However, if I have to come back to a plethora of laundry, mounds of groceries to put away, and a "to do" list a mile long, then I will do it with a smile, because every vacation is worth the aftermath.
Oh, and wearing an adorable headband hippie style and having some fabulously, fun polished nails while checking of the tasks wouldn't hurt either.  Hello Monday, I am ready for you!


  1. Welcome back! I am glad you had a great vacation. Sometimes, it feels weird to come back to reality, isn't it especially after you had a wonderful holiday?


  2. Hope your cali vaca was amazing! Going there wednesday and im so looking forward for a break from Reality!

  3. welcome back!
    thank youuuuu for the headband and earrings.
    they're prettier in person!

  4. What a great attitude :) Before we go on vacation, we ALWAYS make sure to clean the house and do our chores so when we come back, we can relax a little bit before getting back to reality. It helps...

  5. Welcome back!!! Also, I wanted to tell you I gave you blog award today! Please visit Spicer + Bank to accept it! looking forward to more of your inspiring posts :)
    xo Allison

    Spicer + Bank

  6. Oh my gosh. These green pictures are awesome. All of them!! I definitely envy the color green :)
