June 28, 2011


Mr. Delicious is suffering from Swimmers Ear in both ears and he has molars popping up.  Needless to say, between ear drops, antibiotics, and pain from his mouth and ears....he isn't feeling so hot (or delicious).

He was having a hard time getting to bed tonight, so I sat in the rocking chair and rocked him.
The same rocking chair that I have used to rock both my babies, since my first son was born.  It is a good rocking chair.  It has been loved, it has been a place to give love, it is a place to get a good cuddle in...

As I sat there, looking at those chubby cheeks and sweet little hands (that were poking my face), I started to get teary.  Teary not because I am sad that this is my last baby to rock to sleep, teary not because Mr. delicious and Capt. crazy are growing too fast before my eyes...  

I was teary because I am grateful.  Beyond grateful. I had "happy tears" and "tears of joy", because I am so blessed to be a mommy of two such innocent, sweet, and scrumptious little boys.  I wish I could have rocked him all night (I almost did), and I enjoyed every single second of that precious moment with him tonight.  

I know my "rock-a-bye-baby" moments are becoming far and few between these days, and that is ok. Until then though, I am savoring every last one with each drop of sweetness it provides my soul.  My heart is smiling...big time.  

Baby Mine


  1. so, so sweet :) what a lucky mommy & such lucky boys! this is such a lovely sentiment...and you have to love that it is documented for your boys to read one day {far, far away} when they are all grown! xoxoxo brynn

  2. Aww so sorry your little mucnkin is not feeling good :( That is the worst! You seem like such a great Momma though!

  3. Oh my gosh this post just melts my heart. I hope he feels better soon!

  4. You are such a sweet and wonderful mommy and your children are a lucky bunch to have you. I hope your little boy get well soon.


  5. too cute ♥

    both the story and pics ♥

  6. Oh I hope he feels better soon!!! Poor thing. He is adorable!

  7. Such a beautiful post, my eyes all filled up!
    An lovely pictures.

    Abigail x

  8. so sweet.....he looks adorable....so cute


  9. So sweet. I love the photos. Such beautiful big eyes.

    Thank you for your sweet blog visit! Yours is Adorable!

  10. Okay now I am crying! I love that rocing chair, and I too have been able to rock my lovely nephews in it :) Love you sis!
