June 30, 2011

Seashell Collector

I was going through our vacation photos from a couple weeks ago, and I have about 284 pictures to edit....ummmm, looks like I will be editing this weekend till my fingers go numb.

However, I did get a chance to start editing a few while the babes napped today (I should have cleaned instead)...but it's my birthday today, I will do as I please.

Anyhoo, as I was looking through the photos, I was reminded that one of my favorite things while we were on vacation, was the simple adventure of collecting seashells early in the morning.

* P.S.  Don't forget to hop on over to Eat, Love, & Style {here} to read my guest post.
* P.P.S. Don't forget to enter the June giveaway {here}


  1. Happy Birthday, girl! Wishing you a fabulous day filled with wonderful surprises, sweet memories, happiness and lots of kisses.

    By the way, great photos. And both of your boys look handsome and adorable!


  2. First of all Happy Birthday, have a lovely day and enjoy the day to the max!

    Gorgeous images shell collecting brings back so many memories of my holidays we used to do it late in the night then I'd paint them!

    Lovely post.

    Abigail x

  3. They r so cute... I can't believe how big they r getting... when is number three coming haha

  4. Aw, what great memories! Happy birthday! :)

  5. Happy birthday!!! Your kiddos are too darn cute. I have so many pictures to edit as well and go through boy will I be busy when I get back. Thanks again for guest posting at my blog. Greatly appreciated.


  6. SO much fun!! When I was in High School my family and I went to Hawaii. We spent half a day gathering sea shells and left them in the car. The next day when we got in the car... WOAH. It stunk so bad!! haha! And NOTHING we did would get the smell out... good thing (or too bad?) it was a rental... haha!

  7. Happy, happy birthday!!! Ah, these pics are so sweet :) I love collecting seashells, too...it is always fun to see all of the different kinds that you find! Can't wait to see more of the vacation pics! xoxoxo brynn

  8. You are such a sweet family! Love your pictures!! Collecting seashells is so much fun!!

    Have an amazing weekend, sweetie!! xoxoxo

  9. Awesome pics! He is so cute!! Looks like a wonderful vacation.

  10. Happy belated!! xx
    What a beautiful family you have

