July 20, 2011

Baby Mine

You know how, on occasion, I like to be real {and serious} and talk about things that aren't fashion and design, or even cooking? I like to talk about the things that REALLY matter in life.  The stuff that makes our hearts swell and also makes our hearts break.

Today on my mind is Thing 1 and Thing 2.  Well, they are always on my mind (obviously), I mean I am their momma.  BUT, I mean they are on my mind today in a different way.  In a thoughtful, endearing, wondrous way, that really starts to make me think...

...How did I ever get so blessed to have you as my children?  How did I ever get so blessed to have such healthy, strong, sweet babies?  How in the world can I be the mother that you deserve?  Am I doing a good job?  Am I preparing you for life as an adult well?  Do you know how much I love you (because I truly can't even put it into words)?!

TODAY, I am hugging my babes tighter and holding them a little longer.  My two constants in life and my two miracles.  I love you Capt. Crazy and Mr. Delicious.  Thank you for the sunshine you put into my life and for all the smiles you bring to me...for all my smiles begin with you two.

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