September 2, 2011

Loving Right Now

Hello lovelies!  Hope your week has been treating you well.  Do you have any fun plans for this Labor day weekend? We are going on a "staycation" to celebrate and I can't wait to have a four day weekend with my loves.  Happy Friday and I will see you back here on Tuesday! XoX.

Here is what I found so lovely, awesome, rad, fabulous, and totally genius this week:

* Crown Braids. I am obsessed.
* Lace.  I am all over any dress that has a vintage vibe and lace. Wearing a dress just like this for my besties wedding in a couple weeks!
* Krispie.  Easy, delicious, and cute. Perfect for a kid party.

* Navy + Gold. Loving this combo so much right now. Gorgeous.
* Garden.  Love this Garden storage idea for the back patio.  Lovely and practical.
* Books.  These classic children's books from the 1930's are perfection.



Charlotte B said...

Love the plait and the lace dress, I love vintage style clothes!! xx

Anonymous said...

I love doing the crown braids. They are so easy, and carefree.

The MBL household is also working on Manners with the little guys-we are currently reading the Bernstein Bears book about Manners. They love it.

Hope you have a pleasant weekend!

The Farmers Nest said...

Those rice crispy treats look so fun and yummy. I just might have to try them.

Anna said...

Hope you're having a great weekend, love those crispy lollies, I'm def gonna try making them!

Alexa said...

Also loving the navy and gold. Another good combo with gold that I love is blush! :)

Unknown said...

Lace dresses, braids, navy + every bit of it! Hope you had a fabulous staycation! xoxoxo brynn

Windsor Andersen said...

Navy and gold is my favorite combo - I just designed the most fantastic navy and gold bikini for my Summer 2011 collection. I am in love with it.
