July 7, 2011

Loving RIght Now

So usually on Fridays, I post my weekly link list of things that I find so fabulous, awesome, lovely, brilliant, and totally rad.  BUT, this week I am going to list what I truly am "Loving Right Now"...in this moment, the stuff that truly matters.  Yeah, it's about to get mushy and stuff up in here...

* I love that I have a husband that truly is the best dad to our boys.  Captain Crazy wakes us up every morning at 6:45 on the dot.  You would think he would come over to my side of the bed to say "I'm ready for breakfast, make me waffles funny lady" (I am the cook in the family after all).  No, he would never even think to come over to my side (I am just the cook after all).  All I hear in the morning is "daddy, wake up"!  If I try and even take him downstairs, he will not budge. He waits for daddy and will not start his day without him. This use to make me feel like poo (I mean I am the one that gave birth to him and all that jazz).  It doesn't make me feel that way anymore though, because then I think about all the kids out their that have non-existent dads.   That is when I tear up and get all emotional about how blessed my boys are to have a dad like theirs....and I wish every child was as lucky.  I also don't feel that way anymore because Mr. Delicious is the biggest momma's boy on the planet.  I get more snuggles and loves from that little man then I know what to do with...life is good.

* I love my mom.   I could get a pirate-ish tattoo declaring it on my arm, but I will just shout it out here instead... I LOVE YOU MOM! The most thoughtful, sweet, generous, happy person I have ever met in my life.  For real, this lady never sits down (or sleeps) because she is always serving and helping others.  Sometimes I feel like she has super powers or something.  How does she always know the right thing to say?  How does she always have energy to be the best grandma in the world? How does she survive on 1 hour of sleep a day?   What I am trying to say is that she totally rocks and while she may not have real superpowers like flying and stuff, she is pretty dang super and a superwoman at that.  Oh, and to be honest... doesn't having the power to make others feel happy and good and also the power to make the best cinnamon rolls ever beat flying and having invisible powers any day?  I thought so.

*Can I just say that being a mom literally is the best thing Ever!  You have cute, chubby little munchkins following you around 24/7 making you laugh, all while they hug you and tell you how much they love you.  Enough said.  Captain crazy and Mr. Delicious, you have changed my world, flipped it upside down, and made it more lovely then I ever thought possible.  You remind me to enjoy the beauty in the small things, that even a chasing a butterfly can be the grandest adventure (if you use your imagination), and that every day is truly a gift...because you two are in it.  How sweet life is, and sometimes I ask myself "how did I get so blessed to be the mom of such perfect little angels?".  I love you monkeys and I hope I always see the world as you do.

Now, I could go on and on about a hundred people I feel so blessed to have in my life, but that would turn into a novel.  So, for time sake (and not to bore you), I will leave it at that (for now).

Anyhoo, I hope you can find the joy in the little things today. XoX


  1. It is still Thursday in California..but Happy Friday to YOU! This was so sweet! I would have to agree and say that there is nothing better than being a Momma! You have such an adorable little fam!!

  2. I love what you wrote about your mom, and the kids - I SO agree with you in all aspects - also baffle me how my mom seems to be supermom, and how the little ones just give you unconditional love - thanks for putting it down on 'paper' so precisely - great post.
    Have a lovely weekend hon,

  3. I agree with you, Brittany! Being a mom is the best thing ever! My son is almost five and he shows me unconditional love with endless hugs and kisses. And he follows me around the house like a lamb and he will get all upset if he couldn't see me for a second! I mean, who else can give you that genuine love? Great post, very well written! And I love the family picture, too. Your boys are so sweet and adorable!


  4. cute kids :-) I think that you are right, you have to find hapiness in little things !

    have you seen my new post ?

  5. I really know what you mean! Being a mom is the greatest thing on Earth. I melt down when my son says "good morning mom,I love you! I don't think there's something more beautiful!

    I really love your posts and pictures! You seem like the perfect family!

    Have a great weekend, darlings!!


  6. Such a beautiful post Brittany, I loved reading it!
    Gorgeous images too, I suppose writing a post like this makes you realise even more what you have and to cherish it.

    Have a lovely weekend.
    Abigail x

  7. Sweet Post! You are a great wife and Mommy. And I have been on the receivinh end of your mom's "super" powers! She really knows how to make you feel special. And she has such a gentle touch that really makes people feel loved. You are lucky to have her as your mom. Special family!

  8. I have to totally agree with you about your mom. She is just so awesome. I am greatful that she has put her stamp on my life.
    You always have such cute posts. I have really been enjoying your blog. Thanks for posting :)

    Phoebe Cox
